Windows 10 5890 GC Chromatography Software

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Product Overview

5890 GC Software Clarity

HiTechTrader is offering a Certified Clarity solution to control your Hewlett Packard ( HP ) 5890 GC.  We will provide you with a plug and play computer pre-load and tested with the software.  5890 GC Data Apex Clarity Control chromatography software for windows 7, windows 8 and windows 10

Compliant with 21 CFR Part 11

Hewlett Packard  or HP or Agilent

Clarity Chromatography Station product line features software and hardware solutions for acquisition, evaluation and presentation of chromatographic data from the Hewlett Packard / Agilent 5890 Series Gas Chromatography ( GC ). Instead of using the HPIB communication cable the serial port is used.   The Clarity software runs on the windows 7 or windows 8 operating system also.  

  • Your GC will need to have the communication boards installed to use this product -
  • With additional licenses a single computer can run up to 3 addition ( HPLC or GC ) instruments and the same time.

You can also choose to send us your GC (additional costs please call ) and we will setup the computer with the GC for you.


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