Teledyne Isco 500HLF Syringe Pump High Pressure

Teledyne Isco Syringe Pumps Price

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Product Overview

Isco 500HLF Series High Pressure Syringe Pump

Manufacture by Teledyne Isco this Model 500HL Hazaedous Location syringe pump has a great flow rate accuarcy when at high pressures. 

Specifications for the Isco 500

  • Flow Rate Range 0.01 µl/min to 25 ml/min (for any pressure up to 689.5 bar)
  • Flow Rate Accuracy ± 0.3% (maximum 0.25 µl/min seal leakage) 
  • Pressure Range 0.6895 to 689.5 bar


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